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Heather Ogilvie

Subtle Energy Expert

Animal Communication,  Tarot Facilitated Energy Readings, High Frequency Energy Healing, Business and Life Coaching, Emotional Eating Coaching, Author, Artist, Public Speaker

Contact Details


Heather Ogilvie is a visionary empowerment catalyst. Hailing from Scotland, she's a renowned elite turnaround consultant, transforming companies globally with strategic prowess. Beyond the boardroom, Heather is a compassionate subtle energy specialist guiding individuals to healthier lives.

Her psychic and spiritual connection to the universe fuels her as an energy healer, harnessing the wisdom of every atom. A nature enthusiast, she explores Scotland's beauty and cherishes her love for dogs and horses.

Heather believes every problem has a solution, advocating for good inner self-worth and a balanced world of masculine and feminine energies. She's on a mission to inspire and make a positive impact worldwide.


Heather provides a number of services to support your needs

Courses and Events:  Heather runs regular group courses and events to teach about the wonders of subtle energy.

Animal Communication: Connect deeply with your furry friends and gain insight into their thoughts and emotions.

Tarot Facilitated Energy Readings: Tap into the wisdom of the tarot to gain clarity and guidance on your life's journey.

High Frequency Energy Healing: Experience profound self-driven energy healing through a unique guided experience.

Business and Life Coaching: Unlock your full potential and achieve success in your professional or personal endeavours.

Emotional Eating Coaching: Break free from unhealthy eating and cultivate a positive relationship with food and self.

Author: Explore Heather's written works, offering wisdom and inspiration for personal growth and transformation.

Artist: Immerse yourself in Heather's artistic creations, capturing the beauty and depth of the human experience.

Public Speaker: Invite Heather to inspire and motivate your audience with her empowering  transformative insights.

Heather's YouTube Channels

Contact Details

The Islay Wellness Academy

My mission with this channel is to be a massive cheerleader and promote amazing talented people who are running businesses that provide unusual services to the human and animal world.

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Liquid error: Nil location provided. Can't build URI.

The Erin and Heather Show

Erin and I met when we were training in Animal Communication. True Soul Sisters, Erin and I embarked on our own fascinating energy journeys helped by the safety of sharing our experiences.

Our channel is the perfect spot for anyone, whether you're just beginning to uncover your psychic abilities or you're already well-versed in them.

Pisces Magic Tarot

At it's core, Tarot is a life coaching tool. People need massive support and encouragement to find permission to live as their authentic selves and my goal with my tarot channels to help them access free support.

Pisces energy is intuitively deep, and the return to relying on intuition is on the rise BIG time. With this channel I help Pisces with their confidence to speak out about their self-actualisation journey.

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Liquid error: Nil location provided. Can't build URI.

Angel Dogs Tarot

I provide on YouTube regular free Pick-a-Card and other channelled readings from the Angel Dogs and their guests.

Consider Pick-a-Card readings as a personal life coach and allow the energy to guide you to a message of support.

Client Testimonials

Katy P.

Hi Heather. Thank you again so much for that reading, OMG it was so beautiful, at moments it brought tears to my eyes! You are so gifted and you were absolutely bang on with everything that you said!



I’m super happy with the reading I was given by Heather! So much of it was spot on. The reading perfectly described what I had going on in my life and also went into detail about very specific things that I was hoping to get answers to. It was absolutely fantastic and I would recommend her to anyone that is interested in getting a reading done. I will definitely be going back for more in the future. A big thank you to Heather! 

Melanie D.

In the past, I never would have considered having a private reading done. However, after following Heather on Youtube, I was touched by her compassion, empathy, and the wisdom that she freely gave in her collective readings. I requested a private reading, and I must admit, I was a bit nervous in anticipation. Thankfully, I didn't have to wait long, as her turn-around time is very fast. I was amazed at the accuracy of my personal reading. I was also brought to tears by the realization that someone that has never met me could understand me in a way that many people I interact with daily don't. The gift of feeling "seen" meant so much to me. Furthermore, she gave some brilliant guidance that I hadn't previously considered. I am grateful to have had this experience and thankful that Heather is sharing the gift of animal communication with the world. I highly recommend booking a reading!

Maggie H.

I've been blown away by this whole concept. I love that the confidence of everyone in the class grew over the 4 weeks. I knew this would be interesting, and it was more than I hoped for and I somehow feel very differently about myself. I am calmer about life and I keep realising that I've been standing up for myself more. It's amazing and I am loving how this course has helped me in so many ways I didn't expect!



Hi Heather, I just want to say a huge thank you for the last few weeks of reset. I feel I've found my voice, it was always there but needed to be freed of years of fears and noise from the world. Your unique program has given me the courage to put me first and love my life again.



Before starting the course, I did not love myself or feel worthy of enjoying/experiencing certain things. I couldn't understand how anyone could find me attractive. Now that I have completed the course, I love who I am and have 'grown up' in so many ways. I trust that I can do anything I set my heart on and because I love myself now, I am able to feel and give love with so much more joy and serenity.


Thank you so much Heather - for your time, generosity and amazing ability to help others find who they are and love that person when they do. I almost didn't join the course and I can honestly say it is one of the best decisions of my life to do it and I have found a natural calmness and love for myself that I have never had before. I also know that 'this is not it' it is just the beginning of an exciting journey that I am now excited rather than anxious and stressed to pursue. Thank you also so much for the additional content that you have sent - very much appreciated. x.


Alexia D.

Life-changer! This book is an absolute life-changer! I wished this knowledge about money was bestowed upon me when I was younger!

Janey. Mac

This is such a fantastic book - being able to make money myself now really makes sense to me. You really can make money from nothing - creativity is the key and having the energy to put yourself out there!


I never expected this course would be as powerful as it has been. I am blown away by the changes I have experienced in how I feel about myself.


Before I started this course, I hated who I was. Now I can look in the mirror without flinching and say I love you to myself. I never thought that would be possible.


I got so much from this course, I love that it has a spiritual aspect and the meditations are very relaxing. I am feeling much more bonded with myself.

Olive O.

Heather saved our business from going into administration. She took full control of the finances, overhauled the operational team, held our hands, hugged us and wiped our tears, mopped up our stress, whipped our backsides, and performed nothing short of a miraculous turnaround. This business is not just our livelihood,  it is our everything. Without Heather's guidance, support, and incredible experience we would not be in the unbelievably successful position we are today. We cannot thank her enough.

Heather's Contact Details

Email: [email protected]

Website: Click Here

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