
The Reality of Telepathic Communication with Animals: A Case Study


In February 2024, a friend reached out to ask if I would do an animal communication session for their friend's horse. I don’t publicly offer animal communication sessions — though I’m trained in it, I pursued it at the time out of curiosity, rather than as a profession. There are many professionals who dedicate years to honing their skills, and I usually recommend them. However, I also know that I’m naturally gifted in this area, and I now teach a foundation-level course on how to learn this skill in collaboration with a professional communicator friend of mine.

As soon as my friend mentioned her friend’s horse, I started receiving information. It was immediate, unprompted, and detailed. By the time I officially agreed to the session and received a picture of the horse, I had already written eight pages of notes. Before the owner, Selina, even sent her list of questions, I had already answered them.

The horse, Harriet, was clearly communicating. But here’s the question: Did Harriet already know what Selina wanted to ask? Or was I picking up on Selina’s thoughts before she had even verbalized them? This is one of the aspects of telepathy that fascinates me — the interplay between animal consciousness, human intention, and energy transmission.

I must clearly state before you read further, that I have never met Selina or Harriet, they live 150 miles away from me, I have never seen any of Selina's social media profiles, if she even has any — I've never asked, and nor do I want to. What is the point of making up or trying to fake something so vitally important to science?


Harriet and Her Initial “Conversation”

Before I even received Selina’s questions, I had documented pages of notes based on what Harriet was communicating to me. When Selina eventually sent her list of questions, I realized Harriet had already provided the answers.

Below is a photo of Harriet and the handwritten notes I took before receiving Selina’s questions:



The First Connection: Validation Through Details

Harriet shared specific details — issues with a saddle, an old accident that left a scar, and leg pain. Selina had only mentioned “a leg issue” but hadn’t told me which leg. Yet, I pinpointed it along with tension in Harriet’s neck, which Selina could verify. I documented everything before Selina had given me any details.

I shared my notes with her. As further validation, I have a photo of the handwritten notes I took before receiving Selina’s questions. This is critical — because it demonstrates that the information was coming from Harriet herself, not from leading questions or deductive reasoning.


A Profound Image: The Grassy Knoll

The day after our session, an image kept appearing in my mind, multiple times throughout the day, I received this same visual — Harriet, standing on a grassy hill, staring directly into the camera, with a heavy gray cloud rolling across the sky behind her. It was vivid and persistent.

I had no idea what it meant, but I described it via a voice message on Whatsapp to Selina.

She responded with something extraordinary. She sent me a photo that had been on her phone for two years — of a Clydesdale horse like Harriet, standing on a grassy knoll with a gray cloud in the background. This was Selina's "vision board" which she had saved onto her phone, 2 years before rescuing Harriet, knowing that one day she wanted a horse like Harriet.

In the image, the horse was looking away, but then Selina also shared a video. It captured the first moment Harriet, after being rescued, had ever fully engaged with her. Her daughter was brushing Harriet when Harriet turned, locked eyes with Selina, and held that gaze — accepting her as her human.

The moment I had described was real. It had already happened. And somehow, Harriet had transmitted it to me.

Below is the comparison of the key details in my description to Selina of the image and the actual images Selina had:



Real-Time Telepathy: Harriet’s Distress

A few weeks later, I had another spontaneous experience with Harriet. I had a strong feeling that Selina would contact me. Within hours, she messaged me — Harriet was distressed, feisty, and unsettled.

As soon as I tuned in, I saw an image of Harriet’s hooves, they were distorting visually, and I felt some energy coming up into her legs as though something was vibrating through them. I told Selina, “There’s something coming up through the ground — some kind of energy disturbance.”

I asked about external factors — an RAF base nearby, aircraft exercises, forestry machinery? Then we figured it out. The ground was saturated from recent rain, and a neighboring field had a makeshift electric fence. The wet ground was conducting the electrical current, sending shocks into Harriet’s hooves.

Selina moved Harriet to a different field, and the change was immediate. The distress vanished. Harriet was calm again. After the connection, Selina sent me a photograph of the temporary electric fence.

Here is an image of the field where the electric fence was shorting through the wet ground:



Subtle Details: The Hoof Image

During the same session, I received another clear image — Harriet’s front hooves. They needed attention. I saw them as though I were standing in front of her, noticing small chunks missing on the inside.

Did I pick up this information from Selina, or from Harriet? My instinct is that the telepathy came from Selina based on the direction of the hooves in the vision — pointing towards me rather than as though I was looking down on them, which was clearly the orientation with the electricity.

I hesitated to mention it to Selina and chose not to. For some reason, I felt awkward about bringing it up. But later that day, without me saying a word, Selina sent me a message: “Her feet are in rough shape. I’ve been trying to get hold of the farrier, but it’s been difficult.”

Unprompted, she validated exactly what I had seen.

Below is the image Selina sent me unprompted of Harriet’s front hooves, clearly showing the issue I had picked up on:



The Science of Telepathic Communication

I’ve had multiple experiences like this—not just with Harriet, but with other animals and their humans.

The challenge, of course, is that telepathy is not mainstream. I come from a scientific, atheist background. I used to believe that if something couldn’t be proven, it didn’t exist. But I now know that there is intelligent energy beyond human cognition. I have seen it, experienced it, and validated it too many times to ignore.

I also know this: Telepathy is not supernatural. It is not mystical. It is a biological, emotional, and energetic function that exists within all humans. It is not a gift; it is a latent ability that either lies dormant or has been suppressed by cultural conditioning. I have trained myself into being able to do this because I had an open mind and went on some courses. You can too if you choose to be open to it.

We know the human body constantly transmits information. The gut, often called the “second brain,” processes vast amounts of sensory data and sends it to the brain via the vagus nerve. More than 90% of serotonin—the neurotransmitter that regulates mood — is produced in the gut, not the brain. This suggests that our bodies perceive, interpret, and transmit information nonverbally before our conscious minds catch up.

If we acknowledge that animals communicate without spoken language, why would we assume humans lost that capability entirely? The more I study telepathy, the more I see it as an integration issue — a failure to properly connect the systems of the body, brain, and consciousness.


The Problem with Scientific Dismissal

Skeptics dismiss telepathy outright, but scientific inquiry is about exploration, not dismissal. Saying, “It can’t be real” is not scientific, nor is invalidating scientific experiments that are strongly indicative, and yet are not "good enough proof". Let's instead acknowledge that perhaps we have not built suitable machines to measure something that we can circumstantially evidence but don't know yet how to "scientifically" verify and say, “This is fascinating! Let’s keep studying it”.  Indeed, anything less than this approach is human arrogance and ignorance, not science.

The suppression of intuitive intelligence—our ability to sense, perceive, and interact with energy—has disconnected humanity from something vital. We are trained to shut down our emotions, to dismiss gut feelings, to rely only on logic. But the cost of that is immense. When we lose connection with our own intuitive systems, we become more vulnerable to manipulation, poor decision-making, and even illness.

This is not about belief. It’s about data. If you observe something repeatedly with consistent patterns and predictable outcomes, that is evidence. I don’t just believe in telepathy—I know it exists. I experience it as fact.

This is just the beginning of the conversation. In future posts, I’ll explore the implications of intuitive intelligence, the role of subtle energy in communication, and the practical ways we can reconnect with these abilities. I will also share the unexplainable. Moments of profound synchronicity that defy logic and have no explanation. I have grappled with speaking up for so long, until I finally realised it is not my role to explain "why" to everything, sometimes I have to just simply share.

For now, I leave you with this: Animals communicate with us constantly. The question is, are we willing to listen?


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