The Eight Clair Senses - Everyone Has Psychic Abilities!
The eight Clair senses are different types of psychic abilities that allow people to perceive information beyond their usual five senses ot taste, touch, smell, sight and hearing. Here’s an overview of each one:
1. Clairvoyance (Clear Seeing)
- The ability to receive intuitive information visually, often through mental images or symbols that appear in the mind’s eye. Clairvoyants might “see” events, people, or symbols that hold intuitive messages.
2. Clairaudience (Clear Hearing)
- The ability to receive information through sound. This might come as words, sounds, or music that play in the mind or are perceived as external voices. Clairaudient messages are often subtle, like a quiet voice or sudden thought that seems like “hearing” rather than thinking.
3. Clairsentience (Clear Feeling)
- The ability to sense emotions or physical sensations from other people, places, or events. Clairsentients may feel someone else’s pain or emotions within their own body or experience “gut feelings” that carry intuitive information.
4. Claircognizance (Clear Knowing)
- The ability to know information without any logical reasoning. Claircognizants receive intuitive knowledge in a way that feels like a strong, sudden insight or knowing that “just comes to them.”
5. Clairalience (Clear Smelling)
- The ability to smell scents that aren’t physically present. For instance, a person might suddenly smell a particular fragrance, like perfume or flowers, associated with a person or memory, which can carry intuitive meaning.
6. Clairgustance (Clear Tasting)
- The ability to taste something without any physical source. This sense often relates to spirit communication, where people might taste flavors connected to a person or event.
7. Clairempathy (Clear Emotion)
- The ability to sense or feel the emotions of others deeply, beyond normal empathy. Clairempaths often experience the emotions of others as if they were their own, allowing them to gain insights into others’ emotional states and needs.
8. Clairtangency (Clear Touch, also called Psychometry)
- The ability to receive information through touch, often by holding an object that belongs to someone else. Clairtangents can perceive the history, emotions, or energy of an object, person, or place simply through physical contact.
Each Clairsense is unique and can manifest differently in different people. Many people find that one or two Clairsenses are naturally stronger for them, though it’s possible to develop and refine all eight with practice.
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